How to improve your Website’s ranking and SEO
If you have a website, you’ll probably know all about the importance of SEO – but just how do you get it to rank in search engines like Google when there are about 2 billion other websites to compete with? Are your customers finding you?
Quality Content
This one really is probably the most obvious, yet often overlooked due to the focus being more on the design than the content.
Write your content with SEO in mind, use specific key phrases per page and make sure they are relevant – what would potential visitors search for to find your page? What would they like to read and find out about?
Engage your visitors with high quality and easy-to-read content – add pictures and use alt text and title texts (read more).
Try localizing – both content and keywords, don’t try to compete with the rest of the world, especially if your website has only just launched.
And most importantly, keep your content up to date with new blogs, latest newsworthy articles – you can even recycle older existing articles simply by updating them.
We no longer just browse the webpages just on our computers. In fact, mobile browsing has taken over with just above 55% of the market (, so it’s imperative to design your website with mobile (and tablet) views in mind.
Google knows…
Speed & Security
Nobody likes waiting for a website to load, people are likely to navigate away immediately if there are delays and this is one all web developers agree on…Google does not like slow websites. Get the balance right between functionality, design, and hosting costs.
Make sure your website is secure, your CMS (i.e., WordPress) is up to date as well as your chosen theme and plugins. Use SSL or Google will warn your visitors that your site may not be secure.
The internet was designed to interlink with others, so make sure you include plenty of internal and external links on your website. Ask others to link to yours as well. Remove dead links.
Google Analytics
Make use of these great free tools to find out more about your website visitors and learn all about bounce rates (the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page), session duration and exit rates.
Patience and Persistence
Manage expectations. A brand-new website just is not going to be able to complete with one that was established 20 years ago – or at least not yet! But with a bit of patience, regular adjustments and knowledge, your website can and will rank.
Need a little help?
We build new websites with SEO in mind and can also help improve the ranking of your existing websites. It’s more affordable than you may think, and our SEO Optimization Package starts at just £49 per month!
Want to find out more? Or any other tips you would like to share with us?
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